

Airton Cezar de Menezes

Lawyer and Physician, specialized in General Surgery and Head and Neck Surgery from the University of São Paulo (USP). He was on the staff of the Albert Sabin Israelite Hospital in Recife/PE (1996/1999), Professor and Voluntary Doctor of the Head and Neck Surgical Service at the Hospital of the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) (2000/2005), Doctor on the staff of the Charity Hospital in Florianópolis since 2000. Lawyer, active since August of 2006, specialized in Labor Material and Procedural Law from the Santa Catarina University Complex (CESUSC). Former Labor and Medicine Law at the Florianópolis University Institute (IES/FASC) (2008/2011). Labor Law I and II and Legal Medicine Professor at the Itajaí Valley University (UNIVALI) since 2009. Former Member of the Labor Law (2010/2012) and Consumer Rights Commissions (2008/2012) of the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB-SC). Vice President of the Health Commission of the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB-SC) and Member of the Lawyer Fee Commission of the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB-SC). He has published articles in national books and journals.

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Felipe Lückmann Fabro

Lawyer and a BA in International Relations, specialized in Tax Law from the Getúlio Vargas Foundation FGV/RJ. Doctoral candidate in Commercial Law from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA); Permanent Visiting Professor at the OAB/SC Law School (ESA-SC) and the Regional Accounting Council of Santa Catarina (CRC-SC); Full professor of Tax Law at the Energy Administration and Business School; former professor at the Santa Catarina Magistrate School (ESMESC-SC); founder and first president of the OAB-SC Corporate Law Commission during the period of 2010-2012; former member of several companies listed on the stock exchange and privately held family companies. He has published articles in national and international books and journals. Member of the Commission of Jurists responsible for preparing the draft of the new Brazilian Commercial Code, appointed by Act No. 13/2013 of the President of the Federal Senate; Member of the Commission of Jurists for the Review of the Brazilian Commercial Code Bill (PL 1572/2011) – House of Representatives.

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